domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018

Actividades de Octavo

Ask  for snthing you  can't  find   

A: Excuse  me. where would I find toothpaste?
B: Toothpaste?. Have a look in aisle two.
A:Actually,I did and there wasn't any.
B:I'm sorry: Let me get you some from the back.
A:Thanks so much.

Rhythm and  intonation  practice.  
A) VOCABULARY. Personal care products.Listen and practice.   

1) Spring rain          ∆Shampoo         ∆Deodorant
2)Rose                    ∆Soap                ∆Conditioner
3)Proc-tect              ∆Hand cream     ∆Sunscreen
4)All over                ∆Body lotion       ∆Soap
5)Scrubble              ∆Toothpase        ∆Shaving cream

C)Complete the conversation between a husband and a wife getting ready for family trio

DANNA: Do we have __________ shampoo?

NEIL: Yes. De have _____________ shampoo.
                                   2)Many/a lot of

DANNA: And Maggie uses _______________ conditioner.Is there __________
                                               3)Muchos/ a lot of                                      4)Many/any
NEIL: No. There isn't ____________conditioner. And we don't have ____________ 
                                      5)Some/any                                                          6)Much/many 
toothpaste, either. I can pick __________ up on my way home.
                                               7) Some/any

DANNA: Hey, Adam's shaving now. Does he need __________ razor blades?
What about __________ aftershave lotion?

NIEL: He doesn't shave every day. He can use mine.

Request Salon Services



A: I'm linda court. I have a two o'clock appointment for a haircut with Sean.
B: Hello, Ms court. Sean's running a little late.
     Can I get you some coffe or tea?
A: No, thanks. Can Iget a manicure in the meantime?
B: Yes, but it'll be a few minutes.
There's someone ahead of you.

A)Vocavulary. Salon services.

B) GRAMMAR. Someone/anyone
    Use someone in affirmative statements
      There's someone ahead of you.

    Use anyone in negative statements.
        There isn't anyone waiting

    Use someone or anyone in questions
      Can someone wash my hair? 
      Can anyone give me a manicure?

C)Complete each statement or question with someone or anyone

  1. There's ________ at the front desk
  2. They diden't tell _______ that it would be a long wait
  3. Did you see _______ giving a manicure?
  4. I don't have the scissors.I geve them to ________
  5. There will be _______ here to give you a pedicure in a few minutes if you can wait.
  6. Please don't tell _________ the prince. it was very expensive!
  7. Did you tell _________ how long you've been waiting?
  8. __________ called and left you this message while you were getting your shampoo
  9. Please give this list of services to ________ to check
  10. There wasn't _________ there when she called for an appointment
  11. ________ told me to wait a few minutes
  12. I didn't ask _________ about the price


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