domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2018

Actividades de Septimo

Movies and Entertainment

 A)TOPIC PREVIEW. Read the descriptions of two popular films in a movie catalog

The movie Lover's

If you love movies, you absolutely MUST have our catalog. It’s the largest source of movies on video available in the world today. From the classics of the 30s to musicals of the Golden Age of Hollywood—and everything since—you can’t beat The Movie Lover’s Catalog. We have a new and expanded inventory of international films, Japanese animations, drama, comedies—even classic and current TV shows!

Frida [DVD] (2002) 
Mexican painter Frida Kahlo’s life is brought to the screen by director Julie Taymor and producer/star Salma Hayek. Kahlo’s story is traced from her teens all the way through her complex relationship with painter husband Diego Rivera (Alfred Molina). Kahlo’s search for her own identity in her paintings is covered in vivid color and with great sensitivity. Ashley Judd, Antonio Banderas, Geoffrey Rush, and Edward Norton also star.

       DIRECTOR: Julie Taymor                                   CATEGORY: Drama 

The Day the Earth Stood Still [VHS] (1951
All sci-fi drama buffs will want to own this classic sci-fi drama with a message. Michael Rennie stars as Klaatu, a visitor from the stars who arrives on Earth with his robot companion, Gort. Klaatu’s mission is to warn mankind about the danger of nuclear warfare. Patricia Neal, Sam Jaffe, Billy Gray also star; Robert Wise directs.

   DIRECTOR: Robert Wise       CATEGORY: Sci-Fi & Fantasy Also available on DVD 


1. Where would you rather see a movie: at home or in the theater? Why?
2. Have you ever seen Frida or The Day the Earth Stood Still? Which movie would you rather rent?Explain your choice.

Apologize for Lateness 


A: Sorry I’m late. Have you been here long?
 B: For about 10 minutes. Not too bad. 
A: I’m sorry. I got stuck in traffic. 
B: The 8:00 show for The Train is sold out, so I got tickets for High Flyer. I hope that’s OK. 
A: That’s fine. They say it’s hilarious. How much do I owe?
 B: Nothing. It’s on me.

 A: Well, thanks. Next time it’s my treat. 

~Rhythm and intonation practice

 A)GRAMMAR. The present perfect: additional uses 

Use since with a time or date in the past: 
How long have you lived here? I’ve lived here since 2001 

Use . for to describe a period of time:
How long have you lived here? I’ve lived here for five years. 

Other uses:
~with always: I’ve always wanted to see Gone with the Wind 
~with ordinals, the superlative, or only: This is the third time I’ve seen Frida. It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen. My husband has only seen it once. 
~with lately / recently, just: Have you seen a good movie lately? Yes. I’ve just seen Seabiscuit. 
~with still, so far: You still haven’t seen Chicago? I’ve seen it three times so far!  

B)Complete the biography of Spanish actor Antonio Banderas. Use for or since.

Banderas has acted ______ more than 20 years. He has worked in the theater _______1982, and he has acted in films ______ 1992. The Mambo Kings Sing Songs of Love was his first film in English, but Banderas didn’t speak English at that time, and he had to read his script phonetically. Banderas has had an international reputation __________ 1988, when he appeared in Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. Banderas met his wife, Melanie Griffith, on the set of Two Much, and they have been married ________ over eight years. ________ their daughter, Stella, was born, they have lived in Los Angeles and Spain.

C)PAIR WORK. Take turns asking and answering the following questions. Use the present perfect in your answers.
1. Is there a movie you’ve always wanted to see? 
2. Have you seen any good movies recently?
3. What’s the best movie you’ve ever seen? 
4. What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen? 
5. How many movies have you seen so far this month?

Discuss Preferences


A: What would you rather see—a comedy or a musical?
B: It doesn’t matter to me.
 A: Well, what do you think of Madonna?
B: Actually, not much.
A: For real? She’s my favorite movie star.
B: Not mine.
 A: Well, that’s what makes the world go ’round!

 1)Rhythm and intonation practice

Discuss the Effect of Violence on Viewers

A)Are violent movies good entertainment, or can they be dangerous?
B) Read the article about violence in movies. Which opinions do you agree with?


Before the 1960s, most movies did not show much graphic violence. when fighting or shoooting occurred on the screen, it was clean: Bang! You're dead! The victim fell to the ground and died, perhaps after speaking a few final words. The viewer never saw blood or suffering. But in the late '60s, filmmakers Arthur Penn and Sam Peckinpah began making movies with more graphic violence, such as Bonnie and Clyde and The Wild Bunch. They believed that if audiences could see how truly horrible real violence was, people would be less violent in their own lives.
Today, special effects technology has made it possible to create very realistic images of bloodshed and violence. Steven Prince, author of Savage Cinema: Sam Peckinpah an the Rise of Ultraviolent Movies, describes the difference between early movies and the movies of today "...filmmakers can create any image that they can dream up." So, prince believes, because of the technology, movies today have become more and more violent and bloody.
Some peopple are worried that viewing a lot of violence in movies and video games can be dangerous. They feel that it can make violence seem normal and can cause people to imitate the violent behavior, to do the same thing themselves. Other people disagree. They believe that showing violence is honest and can even be helpful.
One popular fillmaker asks why violent images on the screen are a problem since we live in such a violent world. "Just open any newspaper," he says. "Any newspaper is much more violent. And those are true stories about what happens in real life. Or open any history book and read about what happens when a people are conquered."
“There’s so much violence right now,” says a well-known European actress. “And maybe this is the way that filmmakers speak against violence: by making violent movies.”

C) Check the statements that are true, according to the article.
1. Movies have always been very violent.
2. Graphic violence has been common since Bonnie and Clyde and The Wild Bunch. 
3. Peckinpah and Penn thought that violence on the screen can never be good. 
4. Peckinpah and Penn thought that violent movies would make people behave more violently in their own lives
5. Everyone agrees that graphic violence on the movie screen is OK.

D)Practice reading and intonation in oral way.

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